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Every girl is already beautiful - my task is just to emphasize your beauty.

Hi, I'm Airy.

Permanent Makeup artist and teacher from Ukraine. Let these numbers speak to you about what a skilled professional I am:

 • 13 years of experience with 9.490 clients

 • Trained and graduated 320 students

 • 5 years of online teaching with 910 students

 • 3.5 million views on my educational YouTube channels⠀

  • Instagram

Beauty has no age! I work with your individuality and uniqueness.

Lip Blush

Regular price - $700

Sale price - $499

Lip Blush Procedure by Airy (Iryna Tkachuk)

No templates - only a personalized approach when choosing the shape and shade.

Powder Brows

Regular price - $700

Sale price - $499

Ombre Powder Brows by Airy


My mission is to boost your confidence and highlight the uniqueness of each individual.

If you are unfamiliar with the procedure of permanent makeup (please note that I do not perform microblading, as I am against it), I recommend watching my videos, where I demonstrate the entire process from beginning to end. In these videos, I provide explanations to fellow professionals about what, how, and why each step is necessary. While these videos were originally created for educational purposes, some clients find them valuable to watch before scheduling the procedure.


Book Free Consultation

Before the permanent makeup procedure, you can make an appointment and come for a free consultation. During the consultation, we will create a sketch of your eyebrows, lips, or freckles in several different shapes, discuss the color, and I will answer all your questions. This consultation does not obligate you in any way.

(657) 535 8788

or use form below


17952 Sky Park Cir Suite B, Irvine, CA, 92614

(657) 535-8788

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